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Tesla Control - Leaderboards

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Leaderboards Screen

The Leaderboards screen provides access to community statistics. Viewing these statistics is a fun way to compare your driving patterns to other members of the Tesla Control community.

The Leaderboards screen is enabled by purchasing the Leaderboards add-on. This and all other available add-ons can be purchased via App Upgrades on the Settings screen.

Offensive Display Names

If you find another user's display name to be offensive, please click the name on the Leaderboard display to report it. User's are required by the Terms of Use (ToU) to promptly either change or hide their display name if it is reported as offensive by other members of the Tesla Control community.

Hiding Display Names

If you wish to hide your vehicle display name, click the highlighted name and choose YES when asked if you want to hide your name.

Leaderboard - Clicking this control selects the leaderboard to display. Current options include Distance Driven (miles), Total Energy (kWh), and Average Energy (Wh/mi).

- This control displays the first page of statistics.

- This control displays the previous page of statistics.

- This control displays the next page of statistics.

- This control returns to the page displaying your statistics.