Privacy Statement Terms of Use

Common Questions

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This page provides answers to many commonly asked questions about Tesla Control and its feature set.

Data related questions

Q1. How is my personal data used?

First, Tesla Control never stores your password. User credentials are sent to, using the same industry-standard secure transports used by the official Tesla mobile apps, in order to acquire an access token.

Tesla Control use the access token returned by to access vehicle information. As with the official apps, the access token is stored locally on the device for user convenience. This avoids the need to require the username and password each time the app is run.

OAuth access tokens are an industry-standard method for secure access used by many popular services including Facebook. They are considered to be far more secure than using passwords.

Some additional details about access tokens:

  • All existing access tokens are revoked when you change your official account password
  • The access token is deleted when you sign out from the app from the Settings screen
  • The access token is deleted from your device if you uninstall the app

See the Privacy Statement for more details.

Q2. Can the app show me environmental statistics about my vehicle?

Yes! The Environmental Statistics upgrade enables detailed environmental statistics.

Q3. How are the Environmental Statistics calculated?

Please see the Environmental Statistics documentation for more details. Tesla Control uses vehicle data along with estimated averages derived from available global data, including but not limited to the following sources:

  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • US Energy Information Adminstration (EIA)
  • The US Department of Energy (DOE)
  • Global Petrol Prices (website)
  • International Energy Agency (IEA)

The app also makes the following conservative assumptions for calculating statistics:

  • An average of 10 minutes is spent refueling at a gas station
  • The average fuel tank capacity is 14 gallons (US)
  • Tesla charging efficiency is approximately 94%
  • No supercharging. All charging power is from personal home-charging sources

To account for regional and specific vehicle differences, users may change the default values for fuel and electricity costs, as well as the expected average fuel efficiency for comparison.

Q4. Can I see what personal data is collected?

Yes! Users in the European Economic Area (EEA) are entitled to request a copy of their data. Look for the button on the Settings screen.

Q5. Can I delete my account data?

Yes! Users in the European Economic Area (EEA) are entitled to delete their data. Look for the button on the Settings screen.

Please refer to our Privacy Statement and Terms of Use for important information and additional details regarding your rights and obligations with respect to the use of Tesla Control.

Connection Issues

Q6. I haven't received my Tesla vehicle yet. When will information about my vehicle appear in Tesla Control?

Occasionally it can take several days after delivery for the vehicle to be associated with a account. If you still do not see information on your vehicle after delivery, please let us know.

Q7. Why don't I see my vehicle(s) when I log in?

Ensure that the Tesla vehicle is in an area with reliable cellular or WiFi connectivity. Vehicle information may not be available if the vehicle is in service to undergo repairs or maintenance.

Q8. The app won't connect to my vehicle, what can I do?

First, if you've recently purchased the vehicle you will want to be sure that it has been added to your account. Occassionally it can take several days for Tesla to activate or transfer ownership.

Next, please ensure that mobile access is enabled and that the vehicle is in a location where a reliable celluar or WiFi connection is available.

Finally, ensure that the "Wake Car" option is selected on the Settings screen. If at this point you still cannot connect please contact us.

Upgrades and Add-ons

Q9. Why aren't Alerts firing exactly at the times that I set?

Windows 10 limits the frequency of background tasks in Windows Store apps to a 15-minute window of precision. As such, you may occasionally experience a delay of up to 15 minutes before Alert rules are processed.

On average you can expect Alerts to run with a variance of plus or minus 7.5 minutes from the scheduled time.

If you are scheduling charging or climate rules please plan accordingly.

Q10. Why is the add-on I purchased not working correctly?

As a Windows Store app, Tesla Control is required to use the Windows Store license servers to verify all add-on purchases each time the app starts. The license servers, which are operated by Microsoft, occasionally experience brief outages.

In many cases, simply restarting the app and/or rebooting the device will resolve the issue. In rare cases it may be necessary to uninstall then re-install the app. In all cases that we've seen the issue will go away as soon as Microsoft resolves the outage.

Should this happen to you we apologize for any inconvenience. We are working with Microsoft and exploring potential solutions to address these rare but inconvenient situations.

Q11. Can I schedule when charging starts and stops from the app?

Yes! The Alerts and Reminders upgrade enables this feature.

Q12. Can I get an alert when charging starts and stops?

Yes! The Alerts and Reminders upgrade enables this feature.

Q13. Can I schedule the climate system to turn on at a certain time of day?

Yes! The Alerts and Reminders upgrade enables this feature.

Q14. Can I get an alert if I left the doors open or unlocked?

Yes! The Alerts and Reminders upgrade enables this feature.

Q15. Can I get an alert if I left the trunk/frunk or sunroof open?

Yes! The Alerts and Reminders upgrade enables this feature.

Feature questions

Q16. How can I report a bug or request a feature?

First, if you believe you have found a bug, or would like to request a new feature, thank you! We love contributions from the Tesla Control community. Please share your bug report or new idea with us via our Facebook page!

For bug reports please include the device platform used, the app version, and a clear and complete description of the issue and how to reproduce it.

Q17. Can I turn on the front or rear window defrost from the app?

No. Unfortunately Tesla does not expose that capability.

Q18. Can I change the charging current?

No. Unfortunately Tesla does not expose that capability.

Q19. Where is the Switch Cars button, I don't see it?

The Switch Cars buttons will be visible only if there are multiple vehicles associated with the current account.

Q20. Will Tesla Powerwall functionality be added?

There are no plans at this time. Please let us know if this is important to you!

Languages and translations

Q21. Can I change the display language in the app?

Yes! As of version 1.4.6 you can change the default display language from the Settings screen.

Q22. Where is the Language button on the Settings screen, I don't see it?

The Language button will only be visible if you have multiple language packs installed on your Windows device. You can install more languages by going to the Windows Settings and selecting Region and Language.

Note: After installing one of the Windows language packs supported by Tesla Control you will need to restart the app for the new languages to be recognized.

Q23. What languages are supported by the app?

Tesla Control currently supports the following languages:

  • English
  • Catalan
  • Chinese (simplified)
  • Chinese (traditional)
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • Finnish
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Norwegian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish

If you would like additional languages to be supported please contact us by email or via the Tesla Control Facebook page.

Q24. I found a translation issue, how can I report it?

See How can I report a bug above.

Note: As a small developer, we cannot afford professional translation services. So we rely upon the community to help us deliver the best language translations possible.


Q21. Do you have other projects?

Yes! I am the author of the TeslaJS library, technical consultant for Math-Boost and the author of the FPGA Coding blog. I am also the author of Password Planner for iOS.