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Tesla Control - EcoStats Screen

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Tesla Control icon.

EcoStats Screen

The Eco Stats screen provides estimates of environmental statistics based on the lifetime driving patterns of your car.

The Eco Stats screen is enabled by purchasing the Environmental Statistics add-on. This and all other available add-ons can be purchased via App Upgrades on the Settings screen.

Average Gasoline Price

This control allows you to override the default regional fuel price used to calculate the environmental statistics.

Average Electricity Price

This control allows you to override the default regional electricity price used to calculate the environmental statistics.

Typical Fuel Efficiency

This control allows you to override the default fuel efficiency used to calculate the environmental statistics.

Estimated Charging Energy Used

This is a prediction of the electrical energy used (in KWh) to charge the vehicle over its lifetime. This calculation assumes a 94% charging efficiency. So this value will be larger than reported by the in-car display which considers only net power received.

Note: This assumes that all charging took place at home.

Gasoline Saved

This is a prediction of how much gasoline would have been burned by a conventional car to travel the same lifetime distance as the current Tesla car.

Cost of Gasonline Saved

This is a prediction of the cost of the gasoline that would have been burned to travel the same lifetime distance as the current Tesla car.

Cost of Electricity Used

This is a prediction of the cost of the electricity used to charge the vehicle over its lifetime.

Net Fuel Cost Savings

This is the difference between the cost of gasoline and the cost of electricity.

Refueling Station Trips Avoided

This is a prediction of the number refueling station trips that would be required by a conventional car to travel the same lifetime distance as the current Tesla car.

Note: This calculation assumes a 14-gallon (US) fuel tank capacity.

Refueling Time Saved

This is a prediction of the amount of time that would have been required to refuel a conventional car to travel the same lifetime distance as the current Tesla car.

Note: This calculation conservatively assumes an average 10 minutes per refueling.

Net CO2 Production Avoided

This is a estimation of the net CO2 that would have been generated driving a conventional car the same distance as the current Tesla car.

Tree Equivalent of CO2

This is an estimation of how many acres (or km2) would be required to offset the net CO2 production avoided.